17 November 2011

111: Speed UX

There are two speed metrics: 1) based on actual pageweight -- you have offloaded some weight (sharing with Picassa); and 2) perceived load time (page rendering or recognition). As long as you are "perceived" as under 2 seconds you are fine.

Google owns Picassa. They are using good technology to speed up the image "delivery". You benefit from their expertise and wonderfulness. This is a good example of benefiting from cloud services.

I classify speed as "obstruction" when it is bad. It's weight is twice any other factor. You have zero UX after 9 seconds. It doesn't matter how beautiful or desirable the content is. People will not tolerate a slow load. You've ruined the experience. Like kissing with bad breath, it's memorable for the wrong reason. The first-impression is ruined. Obviously, instant loads of under 1 seconds are the best. Speed is then transparent.

Now try your tablet speed on a commute or remote location --not near a home wireless router. :) A real test of mobile user environment.

The 2-second threshold is not an "Internet" created parameter. It has been proven for decades a threshold of human tolerance for presentations. In other words, it's more classic (hardwired) than fad (habit). People ARE becoming more impatient and intolerant but only when the 2-seconds is violated. Their annoyance is more pronounced after 2 second waits. Up until then everything was fine.

Like McDonald's has shown American's will wait 5 minutes for food. Then they get more and more agitated with the wait and will even leave or make threats. That is for food. It's different for pages.


If you liked this tutorial, please raise your hand. :)

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